It's been a while since I've had any kind of blog, so bear with me whilst I get back into the swing of things!
I coxed my first regatta of this year's rowing season yesterday. Yes, I am that small and noisy person who sits at the front of the boat and steers and shouts. It suits me perfectly. I've been coxing for my college boat club for three years now, and although I do it all year round, I absolutely love regatta season in the summer. Not just because the weather is better (although coxing is decidedly less fun at -12 degrees...) but because the races we compete in during the winter are head races, meaning they are timed pieces and we are racing against the clock. Regattas in the summer are over shorter distances and we compete directly with another crew. First one over the finish line wins the race and goes through to the next round. I know I cox better, and I'm pretty sure almost every rower I know rows better in regattas than in head races, there is so much adrenaline and sense of competition that you push yourself to be the best you can be.
So yesterday, my girls got a bye to the final of their category, as there were only three crews competing. We were only expecting one race, whether a win or a lose. I have never coxed a race that has been so well matched before. We were neck and neck with the other crew the whole way down the course, and as we crossed the finish line, none of us knew who had won. And as it turned out, neither did the umpires. They decided it was a dead heat and sent us all back to the start line to re-race. About 20 strokes into the second race, the marshals starting yelling at us all to stop rowing - the steamer pleasure boat that stops for no-one was heading up the river. For a third time, we lined up at the start line, to restart our re-race. Understandably, things we starting to get a bit tense by this point! Again it was incredibly close, but my girls rowed their little hearts out, with me shouting so hard I started seeing stars, and we pulled away from the other crew right at the end to win by just a few inches.
As we'd won the category, the girls all won points meaning that we are promoted to the next category up for the rest of the season. We also all got lovely shiny medals. I have never been a sporty kinda gal - probably something to do with my complete lack of hand-eye coordination, propensity to injure myself and ability to fall over whilst standing still (no jokes...). When I was growing up, I particularly hated team games as I always felt I was letting the rest of the team down by aforementioned uselessness. Since coming to university and getting involved in coxing, I have absolutely loved the fact that this is something I can do and do well, and that I am an important part of the team - not doing the same job as everyone else but an important job nonetheless. Rowers generally tend to forget the cox and what they contribute to the boat, but after a win like yesterday's they were all very appreciative of me as well as each other. The whole crew pulling together to get those medals is a fantastic feeling, and makes all the early mornings in snow, hail and rain absolutely worth it.
I'm still riding high on the buzz and have a very croaky voice after so much shouting, but bring on the next regatta! :)